This website was recently upgraded from Joomla3 to Joomla4, if you find any problems with links etc. please feel free to inform me, thank you.
The Sunday Service is going strong, more people decide to follow me and I'm slowly creeping towards 3000 followers on Mixcloud, if you like to visit my Sunday set live, you can find more info here.
For my Second Life group link
Please click here for my schedule.
On this site you can find my information, latest sets along with the schedule, social contact addresses, etc, etc. if you would like to respond to any of my posts, please feel free to create an account, or use your Facebook account, this in order to keep spam to a minimum...:) do not use your SL password! but it would be nice if you would use your SL name if you have an account.
I hope you enjoy your stay, and please don't hesitate to contact me if you have remarks, criticism, or in need of more info.
Enjoy your favorite SL Clubs,